
Showing posts from February, 2022

Lockdown With NO Equipment and Very Little Space

Being stuck in our homes and unable to go out for a walk or a change of view can be quite a problem for many of us, and after a while of lazing on the couch and watching TV reruns we start getting the urge to get moving and getting our blood circulating again. But what to do in such a small space! Well, here are some ideas and suggestions that you can use as a kick off point to developing your own exercise routine! You've heard it said "Use what you have, not what you don't have." What we have are two legs that weigh quite a bit, even if you're quite slim. One leg weighs about 15% of your body weight. So lifting those legs will use quite a bit of energy. So lets use them as follows. Stand in an area of your house where you have at least a metre of space in front of you. (More if you're tall) Then keeping your leg as straight as you can, quickly lift it up forwards as high as you can. Try to get your heel up to the height of your bellybutton by kicking it up...

Water Purification Through Ozone Based Methods

Typically, the process of water purification involves close supervision. We know that water is a vital element for survival for all types of plants, animals and other living beings. Therefore, it's important that we drink only pure water on a regular basis. There are a lot of water disinfection methods out there. In his article, we are going to shed some light on using ozone for water disinfection. Read on to find out more. Traditionally, chlorine is used for cleaning drinking water. Chlorine has its own odor, which may not be pleasant. Therefore, people are using ozone method to disinfect their drinking water. Ozone is a new development as far as disinfecting drinking water is concerned. One of the most essential features of ozone is that it is an unstable molecule, which is written as O3. Aside from this, it contains one free oxygen radical and can produce one additional atom of oxygen. Normally, ozone is found in the upper layer of our environment. In this atmosphere, the rol...